Attitude isn’t everything…Attitude is the only thing.

We’re given two legs and only one sense of humor.

If given the choice, it’s better to lose the leg.

Rule 62                      

‘Don’t take yourself so damn seriously.’
If I couldn’t see the irony and absurdity in life, I’d go crazy.

I don’t need that any more than you do: I’m already crazy enough as it is.

When it comes to letting go, I’m not sure if it takes more faith or practice.  Probably a combination of the two.

I’ve learned two things about God:
– He’s incredibly generous,
– He has a sense of humor.

Here’s the deal:  Everyone has experienced bitter disappointment and tragic loss.   No one’s exempt.
Just because we stop drinking, life isn’t full of unicorns, rainbows and care bears.

Sometimes when I get upset and start to launch into a rant, I stop myself and take a couple deep breaths.
I mentally step outside myself, chuckle, and say, “Stop being so unbalanced.”  It’s a sad state of affairs when you consistently channel Ralph Kramden.

Human beings are fragile, sensitive, vain creatures.
I should know: they’re my species.

We spend our whole lives in the pursuit of looking good and fostering the illusion of being cool and in charge.  Talk about false advertising.

The biggest risk we can ever take is to be seen as we truly are.

When I finally got here I had to admit complete defeat,  acknowledge that I didn’t quite have it all together and just lay it all out there.

Thank God I fell in with a group of nurturing souls.
In short, a bunch of typical alcoholics.
I’ve been here ever since, and it doesn’t look like I’m going anywhere.
You’re stuck with me. 

                                        Here’s the Takeaway:                                  

 Life is short. Spend it with people who make you laugh and feel loved.