Recovery Opportunities

When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of A.A. always to be there. And for that: I am responsible.

Whenever I move someplace new, there are three important things I need to find:

1. The AA Meetings,

2. Good coffee,

3. Decent pizza.

Alcoholics Anonymous comes first.  Always has. Always will.

The AA program I was introduced to on Cape Cod in 1986 is noticeably different from what I currently enjoy down here in Florida.                       

Any way you slice it, it’s  the same thing I fell in love with so long ago.

Parts have been recast, and scripts have been altered, but when you get right down to the guts of it, nothing’s really changed (good thing,too because we alchys don’t exactly embrace change)   

Rather than lament the differences, I choose to celebrate the similarities.

No matter the venue: clubhouse, church basement, school cafeteria, hospital ward, American Legion hall, warehouseor whatever it’s all the same.

I am truly blessed to have AA in my life, and no matter how much I manage to give back, I can never repay all that has so lovingly and generously been given to me.

I attend meetings at the posh (but not overly ostentatious) YANA club in Fort Myers.  Drop in and see us sometime!


YANA Clubhouse  Fort Myers, FL  

...You Are Never Alone